Sweden part 10 - from Naturum Dalarna to Langvind

Schären Langvind

On the Campsite in Leksand, Basti thought this place name was very funny and will perhaps be heard again in conversations or curses, we felt very comfortable. The weather was fine and the work could also be done. With the weather in Naturum Dalarnawhich wasn't far away to hike. But read on, it wasn't really funny ...

Naturum Dalarna - wrong time of year for this place

On the way to Naturum Dalarna my heart opened a little. It was almost mountainous up there and up there, you had a really great panoramic view of the lake and its surroundings. After we all had lunch, we were on our way. There is a circular route of about 2 km that we wanted to walk. The first meters were also great, had 2 viewpoints where we took a few photos. But at the second lookout point we had to supply ourselves with mosquito repellent.

View from the Naturum Dalarna

After that we almost only walked the rest of the way. Paused to drink and then continued. Despite the mosquito repellent, the little beasts took us over. The path only went through the forest and the other viewpoints were not so interesting that you wanted to stop. Most of all we felt sorry for Finja, who cannot be sprayed on and she sometimes just snapped around. So 2 km run.

Mitten in der Mückehölle von Dalarna
In the middle of the mosquito hell of Dalarna

We both got aggressive when one tried to stop because neither wanted a new trick. A lookout tower is currently being built at the Naturum Dalarna itself. That would have been very interesting for the wide view. Back at the café we all had to drink and take a breather first. The fast run and the warmth killed us. At the same time, inventory of the free body parts. Despite the spray and the fast run, the critters caught us. We are really annoyed by the mosquitoes. They are huge and you can recognize them immediately, but with the amount that attacks you, you have no chance. And the bad thing is that it's not midsummer yet. A lot will probably await us there. And the next point is waiting.

Ausblick Richtung Leksand
View towards Leksand


Styggforsen waterfall - camera fails

On the way to Styggforsen waterfall we came in rain fronts and a thunderstorm. But when we got to the waterfall, it was still dry. The parking space is also indicated in the overnight app and so we have already decided to stay here overnight. Next to us there was another from Holland and shortly before we started a German family came with a caravan. Since we didn't know how long it would stay dry, we immediately set off for the waterfall.

There was also a small circular path with an incline, which we started to the right. Up the stairs, a few meters into the forest and then it started to rain. In addition, once again, the mosquitoes came. At first it rained lightly and we thought we'd just wait and see. But when it got bigger, we decided to turn back. Good decision! The thunderstorm on the way caught up with us as soon as we were on the bus and there was heavy downpour. Well, we had to wait and so we first cooked and ate.

Ausichtspunkt Styggforsen
This viewing platform is not recommended during thunderstorms 🙂

After dinner the rain had stopped and since we didn't know whether the weather would be good the next morning, we decided to start again. This time to the left as we thought we would see the waterfall better. Well, there was a small viewing platform halfway up, but it was hard to see. And the many mosquitoes came again. Further up, but even there we could only see the beginnings of the waterfall. And then we saw a viewing platform not far from the point of the 1st visit, from which we can see the waterfall well.

Wasserfall Styggforsen
Styggforsen waterfall

When we arrived, Basti immediately set up the tripod for photos, as it was just buzzing around us again. I took a few pictures with my cell phone. When Basti wanted to get started, his camera went on strike and he was completely annoyed. Since he didn't want to stand up there and try it out, because he already had the next stitches, we packed everything up and walked back to the bus. Finja was also happy that we left, because she was just as annoyed as we were by all the sieges.

Basti did a quick research on the bus and found the error immediately, the camera is running again. Luck for all of us, otherwise the mood would have been unbearable ... In the evening we decided to drive towards the coast. We would like to see the inland, but the mosquitoes are unbearable. On the coast there is at least the chance that it will be better because of the regular wind and the freshness. He didn't want to go to the waterfall anymore, not even the next morning. The pictures he took must be enough.

In the morning over coffee we talked about maybe asking a local again what they are doing here against the mosquitoes. Shortly afterwards a Swedish car stopped next to us and since we had the sliding door open (with a mosquito net), the occupants could see us (as we did them). It was an elderly couple with their disabled son. The son spoke to me immediately, asked my name in Swedish and the mother spoke English.

Then they went to the waterfall and when they came back the son asked where we came from. The mother asked if we were at the waterfall and when I said yes, but not so long because of mosquitoes, she showed me a roll on stick. In short, we now know what to do against mosquitoes.

It's funny how coincidences happen. Nevertheless, our decision to go to the coast did not change. We have a little Finja who doesn't have a roll-on stick. So after the coffee we make a stretch so that we can be on the coast in the late afternoon.

Langvind - small boat harbor with lots of meadow to stay overnight

So at noon we made our way towards the coast. We had chosen a pitch and hope that things will get better there with the little beasts. It was about 180 km that we had to drive, but with this decision we felt really good and our mood got much better. On the way we came through rainy areas again and just hoped that we wouldn't take this weather with us to the coast.

In between we took a snack break at a nice parking lot (and dry). Shortly before our destination, we stopped at a shopping center to get mosquito repellants (roll-ons) from the pharmacy. And for the first time we also found a pet store where we could shop for our mouse.

4T Überfahrt in den Bootshafen Langvind
On the way to the boat harbor it goes over small wooden bridges. Max 4 tons! That works with the little polar bear 😀

In Langvind When we arrived we got a nice place on the meadow with a view of the water. The weather was fine too, we had left the rain clouds behind. The space is provided by the small village community and you can stand there for free. We had also read that there should be a small cultural trail with old buildings. But the later it got, the more mosquitoes came and since we didn't want to run big, we worked a bit. There were 3 other mobile homes with us and locals came to take their boats out.

Stellplatz Langvind
Langvind parking space

The night grew short. Apparently, despite the mosquito net, we had taken some mosquitoes with us into the mobile home and they only bunged me. We were up early and decided to continue driving today. Since it was windier in the morning, we dared to run a little and take a look at the cultural trail, as long as we didn't go into the forest.

Ruine am Kulturstig Langvind
Ruin at the Kulturstig Langvind

Then we made our way up the coast and found a wonderful place right by the sea.

You can find more pictures in the Sweden photo gallery.